
A self-taught producer, Sydney-based Brandon has been making music under the Brandos moniker since 2011 and boasts 7 projects on Bandcamp.

With an ever-evolving sound, no Brandos project is quite like the one before it.

“I’ve found my sound generally changes depending on my mood or how motivated I am to create something,” Brandon says.

“I like the sound of glitchy drums and synths, so I usually find a way to implement them into a song when I feel like it’s missing something.”

These glitchy sounds are found plenty through Brandos’ latest works, creating an ethereal sort of disjointedness that often comes together to create a listening experience that keeps you on your toes.

His latest release, ‘Caiso’, is a great example of glitch-work Brandon describes his love for.

Other tracks, like ‘3’ stand on their own as visceral soundscapes created to produce pure ambience.

In terms of audience, Brandos’ seems hard to pinpoint. Releasing his music through Soundcloud and Bandcamp rather than Spotify or iTunes, Brandos’ listenership seems to fluctuate greatly from project to project. Some songs boast hundreds of Soundcloud listens and comments of support, while some tracks remain in the single-digits in terms of interactivity. These inconsistent numbers don’t seem to bother Brandon however, who rather states “I’m happy something I made for fun can entertain someone.”

It’s this love for creating entertainment that’s seeing the Brandos project shift toward more of an entire art piece than just musical output.

“I’m trying to find more ways to implement my glitch art and graphic design into the project,” Brandon says, “So look out for that.”

This latest inspiration may come from one of Brandon’s musical idols: Aphex Twin. “He takes things to the absolute extreme sometimes during live performances,” Brandon explains.

“One of my favourite performances of his was at the Field Day Festival in London 2017, where he had a giant display that would take video from various cameramen around the concert and faceswap audience members with his face.

“All around it’s an awesome mix of music and sick visuals.”

Despite making music for almost 8 years, Brandon is quick to point out he’s no expert with Digital Audio Workstations. “When I finally got my hand on my first MIDI controller it sort of forced me to learn Ableton, but gave me a whole different approach to making music,” explained Brandon.

“I mainly use FL Studio but when I want to do lots of sampling I’ll use Ableton. I’ve spent so much time learning how to do all these little things in Ableton. I’m nowhere near an expert but it’s so much fun.”

With upcoming plans focused on creating an “experimental ambient album”, it seems the sound of Brandos will continue evolving into the foreseeable future.

“I’m really happy with how it’s turning out so far,” says Brandon.

With Brandos seemingly morphing into a complete art project than just a musical venture, expect to hear and see plenty more glitch into the future.

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